Debra Mitchell (Director of Admissions and Marketing)

Debra Mitchell has always had an open line of communication between clients, customers and businesses to complete projects before the agreeable date.  With over 25 years in both public and private sectors, Debra has professional experience in communication and management, team building, professional development, strategic implementation, and company collaboration.  Debra managed projects with the Georgia International Registration Plan of Industries and Georgia Federal and State Commissioners.  She is certified in the state of Georgia as a communication specialist.  Debra holds a Business Education degree and is currently finishing her Business Management and Entrepreneur degree in Associate Science.  As a ministry leader, Debra loves to minister to God’s people everywhere she goes. Mrs. Mitchell is the wife of Ausby Mitchell Sr. and they have one adult child.

Brenda Woods (PreK 3-4 yrs.)

Brenda M. Woods is married to Alvin D. Woods of Shorter, AL. They have three adult children.  She retired from Auburn University with over 25 years of service in the Admissions Department.  Mrs. Woods has served as Director over the Youth Ministry at J-COL ministries for 7 years.  She enjoys working with children and served in the educational setting for two years at the Milestones Daycare Center in Shorter, AL.

Cordelia Nkembo (Kindergarten - 1st)

Ms. Nkembo was born in Tuskegee, Alabama. She has spent time living and working in Brooklyn, New York, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is married to Francis Nkembo and have three daughters.  She has been teaching children both in Christian ministry and in the classroom for over 30 years.

Ms. Nkembo believes in training up a child according to God’s word. Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he would go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”  She is very excited about working with children. She is a firm believer in children being taught in a way that they can acquire both educational skills and social skills in order to navigate the world around them.  Early learning is a key component that will give a child a great advantage in life, equipping them with the readiness they will need in the future.

Kimberly Harris (Administrator)

Ms. Kimberly Harris is a native of Tuskegee and the mother of two children. She has served in several leading supporting roles in her profession during her years at Tuskegee University.  She enjoys ministering God’s word to others to give them strength and encouragement.  Ms. Harris is a loving and giving individual that believes in giving and doing her best in every area of her life.  She received her Associate Degree at Massey Draughons Junior College.

Ms. Eva Poole (Yoga/PE Instructor)

My name is Eva Poole and I am a native of Tuskegee. I am a certified Yoga Instructor.  I was certified through Yoga Gem of Montgomery, AL. I am registered with Yoga Alliance. I have been teaching yoga for children and adults for 3 years.  Ms. Poole has an adult child and one grandchild.

Mr. Sidney White (4th - 5th )

Mr. Sidney White is a Montgomery native and an upcoming graduate of Tuskegee University. He was raised in the church and attended Christian private schools K-12. I am looking forward to working with our younger generation. His favorite scripture is Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”

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