
Ashleigh, Pastor M. Harrison, Segrist Jr & Aaliyah


Husband, Segrist Jr & Pastor M. Harrison
Parents, Fannie & Robert Macon Jr

About Us

At J-COL Ministries, we are focused on God’s word and applying the word to our lives.  As we exemplify Christ, we are then able to gain souls for Christ.  I have learned that we cannot just preach the word but we must live by the word.

Worship with Us
Sunday School (all age groups) Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Praise and Worship Sunday at 11:00 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays 6:30 p.m.

Why Us?
This ministry believes in Jesus.  This ministry is a nondenominational organization.  We believe in the word of God and living by the word.

We have  generations that are lost because they do not have a relationship with God.  The only way to have a relationship with God is to accept Jesus in your life. By this you are gaining Salvation.

Our Pastor
Pastor Marcella Macon- Harrison is the daughter of Robert and Fannie Macon Jr. She is married to Bro. Segrist S. Harrison Jr. They have been together 23 years. They have two beautiful daughters named Ashleigh, age 13 and Aaliyah, age 7. Pastor Harrison started in the ministry at the early age of 9 teaching the Adult Sunday School at her former home church under the influence and teachings of the former Pastor Ezzie Woods and his wife, Sis. Versie Woods.

Later in her late teens, she met and married her husband in 1997. It was the year 2001, that God planted in her spirit to form a sisterhood (currently Sisters in Christ Ministry) from a Women’s Conference she attended the previous year in Atlanta given by her sister. The Sisterhood was changed to Sisters in Christ Ministry (SICM) January 2008. With the women’s ministry, God had given her a vision to help young and older women build a relationship with God, encourage and promote spiritual growth to the women, help women with relationships and with family issues. The year 2016, celebrates SICM 15 years.

In the year 2008, God reached out and showed her a second time a vision of her preaching, which she denied the calling early on in life. This second time she accepted the calling in Fall 2008 after the birth of her 2nd child, and announced it to her church home at that time in April, 2009 and completed her initial sermon July 2009. Pastor Harrison was ordained in October 2013.

God worked another great work in her life by entrusting her and under divine guidance of the Holy Spirit to have her establish her own church ministry. God instructed her to name the ministry Jesus Christ Our Lord Ministries (J-COL), “Where it’s all about Jesus and Saving Souls” which opened April 13, 2014 with worship services being held in their home. God has truly blessed the ministry and the ministry has increased with members especially serving young adults and the college population. The ministry is currently located on North Main St. in Tuskegee, AL.

J-COl does have a food and clothing ministry to help anyone in the community that may be in need. Within J-COL Ministries, God has given a vision for several other areas of ministry which are: Brothers in Christ Ministry, Praise Dance Team, a new Young Adult Ministry, Couples Ministry, amongst others that are being developed. Pastor Harrison believes in premarital counseling, marriage counseling and individual spiritual counseling. She loves her members, her family and community, but above all loving God first because he first loved her.

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